米国人Youtuberのベンさんが、福岡のまちを紹介する動画「 HAKATag CLAPS 」を公開しました。福岡で今もっとも熱くディープなショップや人を"タグ付け"しながら、ベンさんの目線で巡る、スピード感ある動画。最後に「なるほど! あの音だったのね!」と福岡市民ならば誰しもがニヤついてしまう憎い仕掛けも待っていたり……。見慣れている風景が新鮮な感覚で切り取られており、おもわず「クール!」と唸ってしまいます。
映像を制作したベンさんの本名はベンジャミン・ターキンさん。サンフランシスコと福岡の2都市を拠点に活動中の映像作家です。各地のストリートダンサーをデジタル一眼レフで撮影し、YouTubeで拡散して一躍有名になった『 YAK FILMS 』のメンバーでもあります。現在、お仕事の関係で東京に滞在中のベンさんですが、「 HAKATag CLAPS 」(読み方は”ハカタグ クラップス”)の公開に合わせてインタビューすることができました。世界を股に掛けて活躍するベンさんは、第二の拠点になぜ福岡を選んだのでしょうか? 彼ならではの視点から見た福岡のまちとはどんなものなのでしょう?

30万いいね! を超える『 YAK FILMS 』のフェイスブックでは、日々、世界のダンスシーンを切り取る動画が配信されている(画像:『 YAK FILMS 』のfacebookより)
もうパリには戻れない! 福岡は僕にとって第二の故郷
-Please tell me about yourself.
My name is Benjamin but my friends call me Ben. I grew up in the Bay Area, in California, to a French father and an American mother. Having this bi-cultural background lead me to live in Paris for some time which in turn brought me to Japan to study architecture and design.
-So you were studying design at Kyushu University, then came back to this city again. What is the point that you decided you’d prefer to live in Fukuoka?
During my year abroad studying at Kyushu University, I was quite surprised by this city and how much I felt comfortable living here as a student. I became closer with the people and the places, to the point where only 6 months in, I was actually dreading my return to Paris. Years later when I started coming to Asia a lot for work, settling once again in Japan became a real possibility and something that I always wanted to do. For obvious reasons, Fukuoka just made the most sense for me.
-If you find any differences between Fukuoka and San Francisco, please tell me.
Of course there are differences between this city and where I’m from, however I always thought that there were more similarities than differences, so maybe that’s the reason I’m so comfortable here. It’s my home away from home.
-What do you recommend this city for travelers?
Most travelers might not understand what I said when they come and scratch the surface for just a few days, but I bet they wish they could get another taste. You never want good things to change, but the city is changing, so hopefully I can be apart of that change.

『 YAK FILMS 』では、映像ディレクターとミュージックディレクターを勤めるベンさん。ご自身の写真提供をお願いしたところ、「めっちゃアメイジングな一枚やろ?」と送ってくれたのがこの写真でした……WOW!
世界中が僕らの遊び場! 音楽とダンス、そして優れた映像技術によって生まれる奇跡のビデオ
-You are making movies and showing them on the YouTube. How did this movement come from?
Coming back home from Japan, I soon realized that my background in design was a better fit through the lens of a camera. Since 2010 I’ve been running a YouTube channel with a couple of my close friends, my brothers, and through video, the world has become our playground.
My background in design combined with my passion for video and music has taken me to many places, capturing dance and documenting it in a whole new way.
-You’re collaborating with street dancers, and why are you interested in them?
ストリートダンサーたちを撮るということは、YAKにとってすべてのはじまりやけんね。最初は、ただ地元の面白い友人を撮って紹介するのが楽しかったっちゃん。ちょうどその時期、僕たちが撮ったビデオを色んな人に見てもらうためには、YouTubeが一番アクセスしやすいと思ったんよね。結果、世界中の遠く離れた場所におる子どもたちが、オークランド(YAK FILMSの当時の拠点)のストリートキッズたちを見ることができるようになった。他の団体から声をかけてもらったり、インタビューを受けるようになるのも、時間の問題やったねえ。
I film street dancers because that’s how it all started for us, YAK… We started shooting friends for fun… showcasing local talent. At the time YouTube was an easily accessible platform that allowed us to showcase the local talent we worked with, and broadcast it for anybody to see… the result was having kids in the far regions of the Internet, in different parts of the world, watching these kids in the Oakland streets get down. It was only a matter of time that different organizations contacted us with questions, to cover their event, or about the dancers we featured…etc.
-Then you shooting street dance since that time.
ダンスは視覚的にもダイナミックやし、どのダンスも独自の言語観を持っとる。つまり大声で発信しよるようなもんっちゃん。僕が、自分自身が培ってきた建築での経験をダンスとミックスさせようと思ったらね、それは必然的にストリートダンスやったとよ。今回つくった動画「HAKATag CLAPS」は、僕と、福岡に住む才能あふれる若者たちへの言及のかたちでもあるんよね。
Dance is visually dynamic and is it’s own language anywhere you go. It speaks loud. When you mix that with my background in architecture, you get dancers dancing in the streets! The scene in HAKATag CLAPS is a little reference to my experience shooting street dance, and the talented youth of Fukuoka City.

彼らの地元・オークランドのダンスユニットを撮影した『 TURF FEINZ RIP RichD Dancing in the Rain Oakland Street 』はYouTube上でまたたく間に拡散し、彼らの出世作になった
-You have an amazing number of YouTube views.
There is no set recipe to get views… there are tons of silly cat videos or ‘fail’ videos that have way more views than us, it’s very hard to compete against that on YouTube. However what we do know is, that videos gain potential to go viral when they capture things at the right time and place- Most of those examples on our channel clearly illustrate what this means in dance- from a sudden urge to pay homage after the passing of a loved one, to an impromptu battle in a crowded street to no music – or a exposing a never before seen dance style…
-YAK FILMSのアートワークについて、独自の手法などがあれば教えてください。
-Do you have any original techniques or method of your artworks?
In our experience, we noticed that when our 3 elements are combined to their fullest capacity, which means engaging music, crazy dancing to that music, and great cinematography to tie it all together, this enables a video to go viral. In the end it’s all about timing… !

「HAKATag CLAPS」には、ベンさんが普段から利用するスポットや親しい人たちが20箇所以上登場します。動画を見ながら「自分だったらこういうスポットを紹介したいなあ」なんて考えてみるのも面白いかも
-Some more questions about Fukuoka. Please tell me about your favorite place, food, or anything you like.
Living in Fukuoka is not just a list of places or things to see, but more a collection of experiences. It’s sort of like a lifestyle that you cannot acquire overnight.
-So how do you spend your free time in Fukuoka?
I usually spend my free time outside on my bike, digging for new camera equipment, or discovering new hidden spots. Also being someone with an eclectic palate in a city like Fukuoka, I love taking advantage of the local food scene with friends…
-万を持してというべきか、今回ベンさんの目線で捉えた福岡の動画「HAKATag CLAPS」を制作されましたね。
–You finally made the video that you caught these experiences.
Yeah. It’s obviously very hard to capture these feelings in about 3 minutes video, but hopefully I was able to share some unique vibes that one can hope to experience, and leave enough for seconds!
-Do you have any favorite city in Japan other than Fukuoka? If so, please tell me the reason.
‘Favorite’ is a strong word… Honestly Japan is an amazing place in it’s entirety… most people who travel to different parts of the country know that you cannot find everything you like in just one city.There are many things I love about many cities throughout Japan, but Fukuoka just has that balance that I’m looking for in my life right now. It might not be the typical postcard Japanese city, but at least it has personality.
-Fukuoka is the most favorite city for you, right?
そうやね、何があっても僕は絶対このまちに戻ってくるけんね! “お気に入り”は常にひとつしかないやろ(笑)?
No matter what happens, I always end up coming back! You can only have one favorite at a time, right?
-Please tell me about your future plan.
I hope to be able to stay longer in Fukuoka City. I would like to take advantage of its proximity to the rest of Asia and create more opportunities to collaborate on projects, whether it be through dance, music or video! I only wish to give back as much as the what the city has given me!
–Thank you so much!

「HAKATag CLAPS」にはご本人も登場。一瞬だからお見逃しなく!
アナバナでは、期間限定コラボレーションとして、5/15までトップページで動画を流すほか、登場する主要人物のみなさまへのインタビューやスポットの紹介記事も近日公開します! お楽しみに。
■HAKATag CLAPS動画はコチラ
(Text/ANABANA, Translation/Mari Horio , Photos/Benjamin Tarquin)